The psychology of colour

Where do you start when redesigning your home? How best to collate all of your ideas?


At Designers Guild, they start with mood boards. This medium allows for an exploration of colour, texture and pattern like no other, to see how your ideas will work in reality before you place even a brushstroke.

How colour affects our emotions

The existence of colour and the interpretation of how it impacts human experience has sparked curiosity within the arts, sciences and humanities alike. In an effort to understand the phenomenon of colour, science has brought to us logical and concise explanations, while the arts may refer to colour as something unfathomable, magical and one of the most profound means of expression.

Colour is uncontainable. It effortlessly reveals the limits of language and evades our best attempts to impose a rational order on it… To work with colour is to become acutely aware of the insufficiency of language and theory – which is both disturbing and pleasurable
— Tricia Guild

In exploration of how colour impacts mood and emotion, let’s begin with understanding what colour really is: does colour exist outside of the human eye, or is it something put together by the brain as a result of millions of years of evolution?


The definition of colour

According to Colour Navigator, “ Colour does not exist but is created in our brains. In order to see colour, we need light, an object and our eyes. Colour arises in the presence of light. Whenever light falls on an object, some of the rays are reflected by the object and the remainder is absorbed. The part that is reflected, determines the colour.”


The psychology of colour

The beauty of putting these elements together is that you can completely change a scheme by adding additional colour, and you can move different elements off of your mood board as you go along. It is important to consider your textures as well because this is what will bring your scheme to life. A great tip is to add your sample pieces to your board, along with fabrics, wallpaper, and paint and why not include imagery that inspires the design. Flowers are a great inspiration, there isn’t anything quite as beautiful as the colours of petals on a flower, so why not bring in the feeling of a landscape?


Colour and interior design

Colour is one of the basic elements of interior design, along with form, light, line, pattern texture and space. The strategic use of colour has the power to evoke nostalgia, stir emotions and revitalise physical and psychological responses in our bodies. 

The chief function of colour should be to serve expression.
— Henri Matisse

Every colour combination has its own unique impact on the mood:

The role of colour in the workplace:

Studies have shown that colour does not only impact the mood, it can also impact productivity. According to Forbes, relaxing blues and energising greens have had a notable impact on office design and is a continuing trend:


The role of colour in schools:

Children are known to be particularly influenced by colour. The use of colours in their learning space has an undeniable impact on their mood, behaviour, and concentration ability. According to research, the presence of colour in classroom design should neither over-stimulate nor under-stimulate a child. Young children are attracted particularly to bright and intense colours, this spectrum may become a distraction in the classroom. Although bright, warm colours are ideal, instead of selecting a harsh and eye-catching palette, why not opt for soothing and welcoming pastels. For some colour and pattern inspiration, the Greenery by AS Creations may just do the trick.


The role of colour in the home

2020 has brought with it many challenges. Moving into 2021, many homemakers are looking for more peaceful, simplistic and grounded colours for their designs. Alternatively, for a more vibrant space, the incorporation of 2020’s Pantone Colour of the Year, Classic Blue, has the potential to bring energy into a space.


Collections to look out for

Home Fabrics offers a large variety of fabrics, any colour for any mood.  Along with every colour on the spectrum, the FibreGuard Performance Fabrics offer both durability and comfort. FibreGuard has an inherent stain-resistant technology that is permanent, meaning that the stain-free properties in your fabrics will last long after washing or prolonged use. For a long-lasting space that uplifts and inspires, below are some collections with a particularly beautiful colour palette.


For more colour inspiration, explore the Home Fabrics Pinterest Boards, follow Home Fabrics on Facebook and Instagram.


How to care for your wallcoverings


Tips to remember when you’re mixing prints and patterns in your home